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Heloisa Beatriz Cordeiro Moreira
Raimundo de Oliveira Souza


The air pollution problems become more critical, requiring continuous monitoring and controls in order to ensure an appropriate environment for the community. The impact of the sources of air pollution from existing or new sources can be evaluated using air quality models. These tools evaluate the risks of air pollutants to the environment in several variables. In this context, the fuzzy set theory emerged as a viable solution to study the risk of failure of a system of air pollution subject to different releases. This theory, combined with the mass transport principle has allowed that fields of risk are determined and can assess whether the controls adopted are reliable. This paper proposes a methodology, based on a mathematical modeling of the processes of dispersion of air pollutants, where their parameters are membership functions, defined according to the fuzzy theory. The research uses these concepts in the solution of the Fuzzy Dispersion Equation to determine the risk of failure of the release of pollutants at different concentrations for continuous and instantaneous emissions. The results showed that the risk is high for neutral and stable conditions in according to literature, and the results also showed that the better dispersion occurs at the atmosphere unstable conditions.

Key Words: dispersion, fuzzy modeling, air pollution, risk.

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How to Cite
Cordeiro Moreira, H.B. and de Oliveira Souza, R. 2013. RISK ANALYSIS OF THE DISPERSION OF AIR POLLUTANTS USING FUZZY THEORY. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 6, 3 (Dec. 2013), 99–109.

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Author Biography

Heloisa Beatriz Cordeiro Moreira

Universidade Federal do Ceará. Campos do Pici, CEP- 60445-760. Bloco 713. Fortaleza – Ceará. e-mail:heloisacordeiro@yahoo.com.br