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Adriel Alejandro Aliaga Benavides
Yudisel Santana Pacheco


The research proposes a Waste Management System (WMS) based on indicators and supported in Information Technologies (software Ambiens). The main problem it solves is part of the inefficient management of waste management processes of an entity or group of entities related in time and cost variables. This solution focused on the development of this software, integrating the information flow of a proposed WMS and all stages. In order to validate the research, taken as a case study the Business Group of the Ministry of Construction in the province of Granma in Cuba and other companies that advises and controls, allowing evidence that the main results of
research, a remarkable decrease in the cost and time of implementation of waste management processes, a proposed based in indicator WMS able to synchronize the work of several roles involved in this set. We used the TIBCO tool suite for modeling and simulation of processes, which yielded simulation results that support the proposed solution. The result of the software is now ready to be deployed at any WMS and its features are adaptable to all types of waste generated, allowing use in any industry or company, this is possible because it integrates data entry based all residues identified by the European waste List.

Key Words: environmental, information, management, technologies, waste.

Article Details

How to Cite
Aliaga Benavides, A.A. and Santana Pacheco, Y. 2015. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORTED IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 8, 1 (Apr. 2015), 147–160.

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Author Biography

Adriel Alejandro Aliaga Benavides

Carretera Central # 249, Bayamo, Granma. Código postal: 85100. Cuba. Email: aaliagab@udg.co.cu