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Cilio José Volce
Daniela de Castro Soares
Manuela Fontenele Velasco
Heliana Barbosa Fontenele
Carlos Alberto Prado da Silva junior


The main objective of this research was to evaluate the population's support for a project to make resilient an urban area and local transportation system that are subject to flooding. To develop the study, a conceptual project was created that represented a solution to avoid flooding in the aforementioned area. This conceptual project was presented to a group of interviewees for their appraisal. A multiple choice questionnaire was utilized to capture the interviewees' perceptions about the proposal, as well as their opinions about the possibility of financially supporting the project. For this specific case study, the results indicate that the citizens would financially support the project. Yet, this support would be primarily in the form of volunteer work that would need to be converted into monetary resources. Beyond this, the interviewees were able to express their opinions and concerns about the proposal which was presented in the form of a conceptual project.

Article Details

How to Cite
Volce, C.J., Soares, D. de C., Velasco, M.F., Fontenele, H.B. and da Silva junior, C.A.P. 2020. POPULATION SUPPORT FOR MAKING AN URBAN AREA AND ITS TRANSPORT SYSTEM RESILIENT AGAINST FLOODING. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 13, 3 (Dec. 2020), 1007–1021. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22201/iingen.0718378xe.2020.13.3.69394.

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Author Biographies

Cilio José Volce, Londrina State University

Civil Construction Department, Londrina State University

Daniela de Castro Soares, Londrina State University

Civil Construction Department, Londrina State University

Manuela Fontenele Velasco, Florida International University

Florida International University

Heliana Barbosa Fontenele, Londrina State University

Civil Construction Department, Londrina State University

Carlos Alberto Prado da Silva junior, Londrina State University

Civil Construction Department, Londrina State University