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Nathalia Perotti
Marcelo de Oliveira Caetano


Solid waste landfills are an appropriate and environmentally friendly disposal in the current solid waste Brazilian management model. The biological degradation process of solid waste generates a percolating liquid product of variable composition and flow with a high polluting potential denominated leachate. The specificity of the leachate characteristics makes it difficult to treat, especially in biological processes. In this context, this present study evaluated the physicochemical characteristics of the raw leachate as well as the dynamics of pollutants in a stabilization pond system, composed of Anaerobic Pond, Aerated Pond 1, Aerated Pond 2 and Polishing Pond from a solid waste landfill in order to determine the efficiency of the entire station. The study was carried out through the statistical analysis of existing data from 2002 to 2017, performed through analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Tukey test, resulting from the monitoring of the Leachate Treatment Plant. The results in box plot graphs showed the concentrations of parameters throughout the treatment, demonstrating that the system has an average removal efficiency of 58.9% for BOD, 50.9% COD, 37.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen and 53.1% Total Nitrogen. Regarding the series of solids, the system obtained low performance. Of the trace elements, only Pb showed significant variation as evidenced by ANOVA, considering p<0.05. In general, the Tukey test (p < 0.05) demonstrated that there are no significant changes in concentrations between treatment units.

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How to Cite
Perotti, N. and Caetano, M. de O. 2023. DYNAMICS OF THE POLLUTANTS CONCENTRATION IN STABILIZATION PONDS FROM A LANDFILL’S LEACHATE TREATMENT . Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 16, 3 (Dec. 2023), 746–761. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22201/iingen.0718378xe.2023.16.3.83003.

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