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Marcelo Mendes Pedroza
Alexandre Cotrin da Silva
Pedro Alexandre Pinto Cerqueira Barros
Cláudia da Silva Aguiar Rezende
Ranyere do Nascimento Lôbo
Matheus Gomes Arruda


In recent years a growing problem that has been gaining space is the issue involved with the waste produced by human activities. The amount of solid waste produced and collected daily has taken on worrying proportions, since if not properly disposed of, this waste can cause damage to the environment, and to human beings themselves, being  necessary to search for new technologies for the reuse of solid waste. The flamboyant (Delonix regia), is an ornamental species widely used for landscaping purposes, due to its beauty. The pruning residues of the flamboyant can be expressive, due to their quantity in several places. This work aimed to use the flamboyant pruning residue in the pyrolysis process for the production of activated carbon. The biomass was characterized through immediate analysis: volatile material (84.56%), ash (3.84%) and fixed carbon (11.57%). The pyrolysis experiments of the residue were carried out in a fixed bed reactor, at two different temperatures (350°C and 550°C) during 30 minutes of thermal degradation, in which an initial residue mass yield of 25.99% was obtained for the pyrolysis at 550° and 35.49% for pyrolysis at 350°C. After the pyrolysis tests, the charcoal samples obtained during the process were collected, stored and characterized by the same analytical techniques used with in Nature biomass, in addition to the methylene blue adsorption test on an orbital shaker table in which multivariable planning was used the delineation of centered faces with 7 types of combinations of mass and dye concentration, where all results had more than 80% efficiency, being the highest of them 85.93%.

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How to Cite
Pedroza, M.M., Silva, A.C. da ., Barros, P.A.P.C. , Rezende, C. da S.A. , Lôbo, R. do N. and Arruda, M.G. 2023. PREPARATION OF ACTIVATED CARBON FROM PYROLYSIS OF FLAMBOYANT PODS (Delonix regia). Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 16, 3 (Dec. 2023), 779–796. DOI:

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