Simulation of co-treatment of septic tank residue and wastewater in activated sludge process

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Josiane Pistorello
Antônio Domingues Benetti


This study investigated the possibility of receiving and treating septic tank residue in a wastewater treatment plant using extended aeration activated sludge process, designed for an average flowrate of 180 m3/h. The ASM1 model was used to simulate the removal of carbonaceous organic matter, nitrification and denitrification. In WRc Stoat 5.0. software simulations of four groups of scenarios were made and, in each group, the system operated with a fixed flowrate and different portions of septic tank residue. Each group of scenarios would be equivalent to a stage of operation of the wastewater treatment plant over the years, with gradual increase in the flow of domestic sewage. The simulations results showed that is possible, in a system operating with a domestic sewage flowrate of 45 m3/h, to receive 4.3 m3/h of septic tank residue without compromising the effluent standards for BOD, COD, total suspended solids and ammonia required by the state regularions. For systems operating at 90 m3/h, 135 m3/h and 162 m3/h, the possible contributions to be received from septic tank residue without compromising standards defined in the legislation were, respectively, 3.6 m3/h, 3.3 m3/h and 2.9 m3/h. The results allow the conclusion that it is feasible to co-treat septic tank residue with sewage and at the same time meet the standards defined in the regularions as long as the limiting flowrates and maximum loads are respected.

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How to Cite
Pistorello, J. and Benetti, A.D. 2024. Simulation of co-treatment of septic tank residue and wastewater in activated sludge process. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 17, 1 (Apr. 2024), 94–117. DOI:

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