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Bruno Damasceno Fernandes
Guilherme Henrique Cavazzana
Fernando J. Correa Magalhães Filho
Fernando Jorge Correa Magalhães Filho


The increase of water and electric consumption has caused concerns in relation to scarcity and water stress, while stimulating the development of energy efficiency techniques in water supply systems. However, these techniques can be considered costly and complex, since they use computational equipment and tools that make it difficult to implement into operational practice. In this regard, especially in developing countries, there is a need for progress in energy efficiency measures with low economic dependence on both equipment and tools, guaranteeing necessary environmental and social benefits. This study evaluated energy efficiency measures in a water supply system through the use of (i) a frequency inverter and (ii) replacing the electric motor with a more efficient motor. The first measure did not show economic attractiveness, revealing that frequency inverters do not always have applicability in reducing energy costs. However, the necessity of a soft starter should be noted, as well as suggested studies that have changes in the operating system that can make this measure attractive. The second measure demonstrated economic potential and reinforced the importance of commercial availability and technical regulation of high-efficiency motors, since the payback period was 4 years, with application potential throughout the water supply system.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Fernandes, B.D., Cavazzana, G.H., Magalhães Filho, F.J.C. e Magalhães Filho, F.J.C. 2021. ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES IN ELETRIC MOTORS FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 14, 2 (ago. 2021), 657–672. DOI:

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Biografia do Autor

Fernando J. Correa Magalhães Filho, Dom Bosco Catholic University

Scholarship of Productivity in Technological Development and Innovation at CNPq/Brazil;

Dom Bosco Catholic University (UCDB).