The End of Conventional Wisdom? Economic Governance after the World Economic Crisis

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Dr. Jonathan Luckhurst




This article examines how the conventional wisdoms of


, supply-side economic policy discourse have constrained international policymaking, but also how the world economic crisis of 2008-09 led to greater discursive contestation that weakened the influence of this formerly-prevalent discourse. The so-called „Keynesian revival‟ of the crisis period continues to impact international policymaking, at least to the extent that the supply-side approach is no longer so readily accepted as „commonsense‟ by many policy actors. Now there is no single set of conventional wisdoms on economic strategy that is uncontested amongst international policy élites. I also examine the effects of „repoliticization‟ as a political strategy and a tool of politics. Such a discursive strategy can be a highly effective tool for policy actors to achieve political goals.

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How to Cite
Luckhurst, D. J. (2011). The End of Conventional Wisdom? Economic Governance after the World Economic Crisis. Amicus Curiae. Segunda Época, 1(3). Retrieved from

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