La producción, la reproducción y la salud de la mujer. Estudio de un caso de Oaxaca, México
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While some research attention has been given to the nature of the relationship between the productive and reproductive roles of Latin American women. verv little of the literature has examined how the interaction of these roles can affect women's health. Nor has there been much attention paid to how the macroetructural determinants of socioeconomic development can influence the health decision making of women at the local level, Data from a Chinanteca community in the highlands of Oaxaca showed how the economic roles of women affect their reproductive behavior, causing a characteristically negative health secuela. This paper describes how household economic oressures and the political motivations of the community interact to produce high fertility, protracted postpartum
recoveries. and a host of cronic health conditions for women.
recoveries. and a host of cronic health conditions for women.
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Browner, C. H. (2009). La producción, la reproducción y la salud de la mujer. Estudio de un caso de Oaxaca, México. Annals of Anthropology, 26(1).
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