De la ficción como historia: el cazador, el venado y el problema de los dobles en Salarrue (hacia una política cultural de la fantasía salvadoreña)

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Rafael Lara-Martínez


The historical and ethnic meaninq of the work of the Salvadorean author Salaurré is demonstrated by a suggestive interpretation of the deer as a powerful symbol for the indian and his opposite, the
ladino. svmbolized bv a tiger. Both. played an important role as
protagonists in the ethnocide of 1932 in which the pipil population was largely exterminated, openinq the period of the military dictatorship stiil in power today. The profound cultural significance of this tragedy is recovered ín this anal¡sis, such that the fantasy is
interpreted as the site where the nocturnal discourse of Salvadorean society can be read.


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How to Cite
Lara-Martínez, R. (2009). De la ficción como historia: el cazador, el venado y el problema de los dobles en Salarrue (hacia una política cultural de la fantasía salvadoreña). Annals of Anthropology, 26(1).

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Author Biography

Rafael Lara-Martínez, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología