Un sistema binario-triádico: mecanismo de las construcciones culturales
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When mathematics are relativized, it’s been observed that its truth is a product of cultural constructions as well as a product of preexistent structures. This is the reason why they’re treated here as a language, giving to it the character of a cultural codifier. To support this statement, elaborations under the forms of numbers and geometric symbols are analized. Otomí societies from Valley of Toluca, the movement of Charismatic Renewal and some other groups have been using as a base of their symbolic constructions, particularly religious healing. This ethnographic material leads us to the even-odd synthesis by which we arrive at the proposal of a binary-triadic codification system as the mechanism by which people in a society generate culture.
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How to Cite
Ramírez Torres, J. L. (2009). Un sistema binario-triádico: mecanismo de las construcciones culturales. Anales De Antropología, 34(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2000.1.13054
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