Proporcionalidad corporal y adaptación en la población antigua de la Ciudad de México
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The sensitiveness of the lineal components of the human body to environmental stimuli have been observed rather frequently in modem populations. Height, and the corporal segments, respond to these stimuli accordhg io their gradient of growth alometry. For the purpose of evaluating this phenomemum in ancient populations, facts of diverse osseous collections from the prehispanic age (preclassic-postclassic) of the Mexico Basin were obtained. The maximal lenght values of the long bones
and their diachronic variation permit the postulation of a change in the corporal proportionality in Mesoamerica and the finding of an indicator of the adaptive strategies of the ancient populations confronted with adverse environmental situations. In general, the Preclassic population had relatively longer legs than those of later periods, while the lenght of the upper extremity did not significantly vary. However, the difference between sexes regardirg the reduction of the lower extremity is woteworthv, as it is accentuated more in the male sex.
and their diachronic variation permit the postulation of a change in the corporal proportionality in Mesoamerica and the finding of an indicator of the adaptive strategies of the ancient populations confronted with adverse environmental situations. In general, the Preclassic population had relatively longer legs than those of later periods, while the lenght of the upper extremity did not significantly vary. However, the difference between sexes regardirg the reduction of the lower extremity is woteworthv, as it is accentuated more in the male sex.
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How to Cite
Del Ángel Escalona, A. del, & Serrano S., C. (2009). Proporcionalidad corporal y adaptación en la población antigua de la Ciudad de México. Anales De Antropología, 28(1).
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