Revisión: datos sobre los apellidos hispanoamericanos en los estudios de biología humana

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Gabriel Ward Lasker


A review of studies concerning isonymy in Hispanic-Americans is carried out in populations in which the use of the Spanish system for assigning last names aids in the examination of diverse aspects of the biological structure of such populations. The applications of "genetics of last names" includes three clearly distinguishable aspects: ethnic differentiation, consanguinity, and relationship among population groups. Due to the fact that up to date a limited number of studies exist concerning the topic, the potential in this line of investigation in the human biology of this wide geographic region is stressed.


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How to Cite
Ward Lasker, G. (2009). Revisión: datos sobre los apellidos hispanoamericanos en los estudios de biología humana. Annals of Anthropology, 28(1).

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Author Biography

Gabriel Ward Lasker, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología