Las propiedades de los afijos -nge y -le del mapudungun

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Elisa Loncon Antileo


 This article studies the affixes -nge and -le in Mapudungun: -nge is used with permanent (individual level) properties and -le is used with temporary (stage level) properties. These are suffixes that are attached to nouns and adjectives as well as to verbs; they have copular and aspectual uses like verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ of spanish language.

This is a summary of a chapter of the thesis that studies some morphological, syntactical and semantic properties of Mapuche language. It is a descriptive research, but its analysis has been included inside the Chomsky’s Government and Binding Theory (Chomsky, 1981), in order to organize the discussion.


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How to Cite
Loncon Antileo, E. (2010). Las propiedades de los afijos -nge y -le del mapudungun. Annals of Anthropology, 41(2).

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