Por las sendas que conducen al paraíso: 300 años de lucha indígena en el Norte de Chiapas

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Ana Bella Pérez Castro
Claudia Margarita Báez


In this paper we are interested in explaining the role that the Indian leaders have played in the Cancuc movement and in the rebellion of Northern Chiapas {1978-1980J. Reference is made to organizations and the postulations that the leaders establish and use to guide the people in order to achieve a "better', society. The triumphs and the defeats are described, with emphasis given to the factors that influenced their outcome. Religion and politics guide both movements. Finally, both movements are compared in order to point out the similarities and differences, and the perspectives we see for future movements.


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How to Cite
Pérez Castro, A. B., & Báez, C. M. (2009). Por las sendas que conducen al paraíso: 300 años de lucha indígena en el Norte de Chiapas. Annals of Anthropology, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1991.1.15634

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