La ayuda mutua en las comunidades de pescadores artesanales de México

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Graciela Alcalá


Fishermen from México are the most poor and less protected people. Their work is especially risky because they fish in very fragile crafts and they don't rely on sailing instruments. Many of them don't know how to swim, neither they utilize rescue equipment; to this one must add that they don't rely on the service of coastguard vessels. Population in general doesn't have public services neither social assistance. In order to survive they practice mutual aid, that generates networks for the exchange of goods and services. Gossip and judgements derived from these relationships permit a dynamic equilibrium, under the guide of reciprocity. During the celebrations of the Day of the Dead, fishermen update their social principles of mutual aid and the solidarity between each other. They also renew the network of social relationships that allow them to survive.


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How to Cite
Alcalá, G. (2010). La ayuda mutua en las comunidades de pescadores artesanales de México. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).

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