La formación profesional del indígena en la educación superior

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Graciela Herrera Labra


Ethnic reality is seen, analyzed and questioned as a problem of
constructing the knowledge of "itself" and its apropiation up didactic o "ethnic subjects" brought up in high education. With
this purpoue we examine political education from 1930 up to now. As a result differences between castilianisation-acculturation-integration vs. linguistic-reinforcement a¡d cultural articulations appear, finding coincidences in the historical context. In the last one, ethnic facts are homogenized as unique and they are also submited to the nation. This problem and the existence of two logical historical-scientific thoughts of the western society and ethnic groups that respond to cultural realities, and differences
in language, are proposed to be considered in the field of
profesional training for ethnic groups.


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How to Cite
Herrera Labra, G. (2010). La formación profesional del indígena en la educación superior. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).

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