Propuestas para formular la ley reglamentaria del primer párrafo del artículo cuarto de la constitución

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Juan José Rendón Monzón


Life system in Indian towns is carried out by the community in most of its aspects. This quality is the support of the author's proposals to regulate the Law of the Constitution's 4th article, that has been matter of discussions since its reformations in January of 1992. In this way, contributions to indigenous life, begin with a tentative definition of indigenous towns, and how they spread out to all fields where the community takes shape. From all considered aspects language is emphasized because it is the means of communication of indigenous people, a tool to express its culture, history, cosmogony and others ways to present themselves the non-indian world. The proposal extends until the participation of the own indigenous people in the process of elaboration and agreement of the regulation law is reached, as the only possibitity for of the correct realization of the proposal.


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How to Cite
Rendón Monzón, J. J. (2010). Propuestas para formular la ley reglamentaria del primer párrafo del artículo cuarto de la constitución. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).

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