Una perpectiva antropofísica del comportamiento en primatología

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Jairo Muñoz Delgado
Ricardo Mondragón Ceballos


Based in Anthropological Sciences defined as human sciences and further studies on its Performance viewed from different angles, in ihe Present article we remark the contemPorary Primates (no humanbeings) behaviour, within the physic anthroPology, as Part of an indirect and experimental strategy that being related to others, adopted by different disciplines, provide interesting information to explain the human beings ("homosapiens") evolutionary process. We also show the way some brian organ structures are related to established activity functions for instance, the language for a further approach to communication among Primates no human beings, social systems development, a¡d some elements of intelligence for social and technical growth. All of the aforementioned aspects, are necessary to know, being integrated to the human Phenomenon understanding.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Delgado, J., & Mondragón Ceballos, R. (2010). Una perpectiva antropofísica del comportamiento en primatología. Annals of Anthropology, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1990.1.15725

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