Algunos aspectos de proporcionalidad lineal de una población del pasado de Oaxaca
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In a previous work (Ramo6 R. 1991) it was proposed to accept the moment of intersection of the curves of accumulated growth from the inferior segments (height to sinfision) and superior (size-height to sinfision) as an useful indicátor of development stage, since it marks precise time of changes in growth of both corporal portions, characteristic of the second growth stage. So it was proposed to employ this biological marker in order to judge growth f¡om 1362 child¡en and adolescents of both sexes, at Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. The total size of the males in the group of six years it had a 2 of value of-0.63 related to reference patrons and in 16 years group this punctuation was -1.87; values in respective groups of age in girls were -1.06 and -1.81, wich points out to great differences. It was also observed that altough at six years delaying growth in size was very short, at 13 years in woman and 15 in male this retard was of two vears. This interpretation is corroborated upon comparing growing curves of superior and inferior segments, in wich it was observed that changes in both happened at 9.9 years in males and 9.1 in women in contrast with previous data of changes situated at 6,1 and 5.5 years ¡espectively. All this make important delay in growth and in development as an obligated consequence of homeorretic adjustnent that delays the beginning of the second sprouts of growth and that it demonstrates that "lost time" in growing doesn't recover.
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How to Cite
Ramos Rodríguez, R. M. (2010). Algunos aspectos de proporcionalidad lineal de una población del pasado de Oaxaca. Anales De Antropología, 27(1).
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