Evaluación cefalométrica del ángulo ANB en niños cubanos utilizando las normas de los análisis de Steiner

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Oscar Tejedor Alvares
Xiomara Rodriguez Torres
Maribel Llanes Serante
Wilfredo Denies Pérez


In this work field, were sampled some schools in Pinar del Rio city;716 pupils from the 6th grade (11 years old) were examined and 515 from the 9th grade (14 years old). 89 and 92 were eligible respectively, by presenting normal occlusion. To those selected, it was applied a cephalometric test, with the purpose to determine the number of segments and angles related to the buccal system and also to establish a camparisson with those normally used on orthodontic tratments. By age and sex was stratified the used sample as well as submitted to a statistical process in order to validate its outcome. It is determined that utilized patterns are not accurately adjusted to our people's buccal-skeleton characteristics.


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How to Cite
Tejedor Alvares, O., Rodriguez Torres, X., Llanes Serante, M., & Denies Pérez, W. (2010). Evaluación cefalométrica del ángulo ANB en niños cubanos utilizando las normas de los análisis de Steiner. Annals of Anthropology, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1990.1.15728

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