El castellano y las lenguas vernáculas en Chile. Relaciones en una situación de límite

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Adalberto Salas


Bilingual relations between spanish and vernacular chilians' langues: aymara; pascuense; mapuche; alacalufe and yagan. depend on their impo¡rtance like majority population component geographic and social status and populátion quantity. Mapuche is the bigest language groupe, Yagan is considered like complety dissapear and Alacufe is a language in the way of extinguishment. One of spanish hegemony effect is that "the others" are reduced in an exploited minority. That's why they had been forced to reformulate their traditional cultures, in front of the agressive context where they are, for survive. They had to adopted bilingualism. Spanish language deterrnine opportunities to ameliorate they precarious life conditions.


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How to Cite
Salas, A. (2010). El castellano y las lenguas vernáculas en Chile. Relaciones en una situación de límite. Annals of Anthropology, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1990.1.15740

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