El sitio olmeca de Teopontecuanitlan en Guerrero

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Guadalupe Martínez Donjuan


Teopantecuanitlan is the first Olmec site in Guerrero with monumental architecture. We have observed three construction phases: the first is characterized by double stairways and mud coatings; the second is the most impressive due to the sunken patio with monolithic architecture and sculpture (four jaguar heads, two in the east side and two in the west). Also belonging to this second phase is a monolithic canal and a dam. The third phase is represented by different structures and by an Olmec head in the northern side of the precint.


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Martínez Donjuan, G. (2010). El sitio olmeca de Teopontecuanitlan en Guerrero. Annals of Anthropology, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1985.1.15849

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