Nociones preliminares sobre cosmología maya

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Alfonso Villa Rojas


ln this article are presented the most recent contributions on the cosmological thought of the ancient Maya, Among them are included the elongated form of the earth; its relations with the ecliptic; the position of the "four sky-bearers"; the location of the "cardinal points"; the relation between the form of the cosmos and the architectural practices, the designs of the ceremonial centers and political ideas; and finally, the spectacular presentation of hierophanies based on the movements of the sun and the orientation of some temples. All of these contributions are illustrated with graphical materials obtained from archaeology, ethnography and ethnohistory, that show the different dimentions of the cosmos: horizontal, vertical, cuadrangular and circular. It is added that, conceptually, the Maya had a peculiar idea about the location of the cardinal points, according to which the north and the south corresponded to cenit and nadir respectively, and not to points of the western world. Of special importance in their daily life were the equinocces and solstices that mark the four periods of the year, which were celebrated with remarcable religious ceremonies.


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How to Cite
Villa Rojas, A. (2010). Nociones preliminares sobre cosmología maya. Annals of Anthropology, 22(1).

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