Estatura, peso y desarrollo dental en un grupo de niños mestizos de las Margaritas, Chiapas
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In the present study, stature, weight and dental development were analized for a group of boys and glrls from 9 to 12 years of age. This mestizo population belongs to Las Margaritas, Chiapas. More than 500 children were measured, but for the presesnt paper only the data of 92 boys and 72 girls was analized; thus only this ones were also studied to evaluated dental development. It was found that: 1. In relation to stature the mestizo (rural children) were smaller in comparison to the urban population, but they are taller than indian children from the same municipio: the tojolabales. 2. -The mediurn weights was found to be lover than those of urban boys and girls, but also this mestizo children are heavier than the indians tojolabales. 3. Dealing to the eruption of teeth (second dentition), and comparing with other human groups, the children studied are within thoee of early and laler development.
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How to Cite
Villanueva, M., & Mejía, M. (2010). Estatura, peso y desarrollo dental en un grupo de niños mestizos de las Margaritas, Chiapas. Anales De Antropología, 19(1).
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