Método comparativo en el estudio de las religiones

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Yolotl González Torres


The author tries to give an operational definition of the conlects of method and religion. She stresses the point that comparative method is inherent t,o ethnological discipline and gives a brief history of Ethnology showing how in one way or the other the comparative method has been used even by the authors who have bitterly critiziced it. She concludes saying that comparative method is indispensable not only for the study of religions but for any ethnological research, being aware that any society has to be studied as a whole and if any fraction of it is to be studied it should not be taken as an isolated unit, One should bear in mind that societies are always changing, that changes are due to internal conflicts and contradictions and if these changes are observed in enough numbers of cases, they will be able to show the degree of regularity wide enorugh to be able to formulate "enunciados", about it's causes and consequences.


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How to Cite
González Torres, Y. (2010). Método comparativo en el estudio de las religiones. Annals of Anthropology, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1982.2.16475

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