La religiosidad indígena en el obispado de Oaxaca durante la Colonia y sus proyecciones actuales

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Guido Münch Galindo


The process of missionization suposedly sought to eliminate native religious traaditions especially human sacrifice and idolatry. Inguisition procedings show much about religious practices in the colonial period. Indian governments revolved around ritual organization and consciously sought to maintain cultural patterns that provided communities with cohesion and an identity. During the four hundred years since the conquest there have been numerous european elements incorporated into indigenous traditions and many other elements have been lost, yet there remain numerous significant aspects of mesoame¡ican tradition, There is clear evidence of a continuity that has not been impeded by imposed changes in indigenous cultural traditions characteristic of Mesoamerica.


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How to Cite
Münch Galindo, G. (2010). La religiosidad indígena en el obispado de Oaxaca durante la Colonia y sus proyecciones actuales. Annals of Anthropology, 19(2).

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