Diversidad lingüística y cultural. Consideraciones para una educación indígena en México

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Mario Alberto Castillo Hernández


The present work has as objective to guide the discussion in the linguistic and cultural diversity as a theoretical perspective to base a proposal of indigenous education in Mexico. In the first part I recapture the ideas that some authors like Boas, Sapir and Whorf exposed on the diversity of the languages and envelope the principle of the linguistic relativism. The importance that has the linguistic and cultural diversity in Mexico for the construction of an educational plan guided toward the indigenous towns discuss and I analyze the situation of the indigenous languages in front of Spanish as dominant language. In the second part the linguistic politicians that have prevailed from the Colony until our days discuss. I take like reference the Law of linguistic Rights and the current speech around an Education Bilingual Intercultural.


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How to Cite
Castillo Hernández, M. A. (2010). Diversidad lingüística y cultural. Consideraciones para una educación indígena en México. Annals of Anthropology, 38(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2004.1.16610

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Author Biography

Mario Alberto Castillo Hernández

Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas-UNAM