Aptitud física, maduración y morfología en niños y jóvenes nadadores

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García Avendaño Pedro
Zhandra Flores
Armando Rodríguez Bermúdez
Ronnier Rondón


The intention of this work was to evaluate the relation between physical fitness, maturation and morphology in 42 children and swimming young people of both sex, with ages between 8 and 16 years. Anthropometric measurements were made to evaluate the morphology, maturation was determined by x-rays of the hand and left wrist which estimated the bony age was considered and power, speed and static strength test were executed to measure the level of physical fitness. For the analysis simple descriptive statics were used, linear ANOVA of a route and correlations, controlling the effect of the bony age by means of regressions. The results indicate that in some anthropometric variables the girls surpassed slightly to the boys (stature, arm span and biacromialbreadth) being observed sexual dimorphism only in the corporal mass (p<0.05). The boys showed a greater clarity positive a linear relationship between the maturation, physical fitness and morphology. On the other hand, the girls exhibited low relations and even negative, demonstrating itself that the morphologic and functional changes characteristic of the pubertal stage in both sex, condition the levels of capacity and performance in the swimming children and young people.


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How to Cite
Pedro, G. A., Flores, Z., Rodríguez Bermúdez, A., & Rondón, R. (2010). Aptitud física, maduración y morfología en niños y jóvenes nadadores. Annals of Anthropology, 37(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2003.1.16724

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