Posibles aplicaciones de las categorías lingüísticas a la Arqueología
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In this article I am trying to find some analogies between linguistic and archaeological units. Once these analogies have been stated, we may apply some linguistic concepts to archaeology, especially when building typologies. In the same way I describe the analogies, I must say that in some cases these analogies are not valid. Basically, the linguistic concepts that may be applied to archaeology are: 1) the immediate constituents, and 2) the fact that both disciplines can be seen as structures with significant forms, arrangements and functions.
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Minzoni Alessio, Ángela M. (2010). Posibles aplicaciones de las categorías lingüísticas a la Arqueología. Anales De Antropología, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1977.1.16837
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