Papel de los pillis de tecali en la sociedad prehispánica del siglo XVI

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Mercedes Olivera


After analyzing the main characteristics of the social and economic structure of Tecali (in Puebla, Mexico) before the arrival of Spaniards, the autho¡ shows that the leading role of the nobles (the pillis) is the consequence of three types of relevant relations: 1. The relations of class between the property owners of the land, pillis, and the Peasants, macehuales. The peasants pay the owners a tribute which is the rent or the land that they work and on which they live. 2. The relations of class between the Mexica State burocrats together with the chiefs of the pillis, and the macehuales who are tributaries of that state. 3. The relations of power and control between the stratum of the pillis who have leading roles in the political-religious institutions and the subject peasants. From what has just been explained, one can say that there is a tributary svstem within which one finds servile relationships that are acted out on a local level and the relations of "oriental" type between Tecali and the Mexica State, both of which are complementary and opposed to each other simultaneouslv.


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How to Cite
Olivera, M. (2010). Papel de los pillis de tecali en la sociedad prehispánica del siglo XVI. Anales De Antropología, 14(1).

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