El bien y el mal en la cultura Tarahumara

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María del Carmen Anzures y Bolaños


The raramuri peoplc believe that the whole nature is alive. In tarahumara culture all things are good or evil: animals, minerals, plants, human beings, the extraterrestrial world and the different kinds of gods and spirits. Nwertheless many of them are both: good and evil and their dlfferent attitude appears in the good
or evil results, according to an invisible and universal law of
balance which governs the whole world and all the creatures
which are upon it. All these concepts and realities are illust¡ated in the worldview of the tarahumara people of Chihuahua, Mexico.


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Anzures y Bolaños, M. del C. (2010). El bien y el mal en la cultura Tarahumara. Annals of Anthropology, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1993.1.16954

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