Los tratos con el demonio: un proceso inquisitorial

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Ernestina Jiménez-Olivares


This paper presents a document dated October 8, 1232, in which doctor Joseph de la Peña y Flores, from Mexico City, accuses himself in front of the Spanish Inquisition of having renounced his Catholic faith, used forbiden objects and herbs and made rites in honor of the devil. He explained to the inquisitor that he did not believe that such action could have effect, but he was trying to gain the disinterested loyalty of his lover, in order that he did not have to give her any money and restrain her from finding another man and leaving him alone. He was absolved by the Santo Oficio, but 31 years later, in another document dated January 8, 1763, we find a very similar selfaccusation by Dr. de la Peña of which he was again pardoned.


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Jiménez-Olivares, E. (2010). Los tratos con el demonio: un proceso inquisitorial. Annals of Anthropology, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1993.1.16984

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