Algunos discursos decimonónicos en torno a la territorialidad mexicana y sus fronteras

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Carmen Vázquez Mantecón


Every territoriality is drawn by a border. During the XIX century, the country limits were modified such as the north and the south. But a territo¡ial frontier is not only the legal and natural limits which are negociated by international commissions and treatises. Inside Mexico, there is a persistent fight between different groups, to protect the "border" of their lands. This is a century basicaly characterized by population mobility and also by important changes, as much in the political division as in the land property. The frontier concept will be interpreted in many ways, related with the values and the defend of different kind of interests Mexico modifies it's internal and international frontiers, and finally, will be amputated and distributed according to the XIX century modernizing ideas. This teritoriality is for the present Mexicans, one of the most important legacies.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Mantecón, C. (2010). Algunos discursos decimonónicos en torno a la territorialidad mexicana y sus fronteras. Annals of Anthropology, 30(1).

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