Las malformaciones congénitas de la cabeza. Una diferencia con la modificación cefálica de tipo étnico-cultural

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Rosaura Yépez Vásquez
Arturo Romano Pacheco


The present article constitutes a contribution transdisciplinary, that it has as aim announce first, the malformations of the head of character congenital and the modifications of the same one of cultural character. In the content of this work, the anthropologic thing and the teratological define limits that allow to recognize the difference that exists between a congenital malformation (a) and a cultural modification of the head (b) with important symbolic meanings over time and at each stage of culture. The cultural practice of modifying the head in the newborn children (b), so established in Pre-Hispanic America, is configured as the conceptual tool, to come closer to studying these symbolic signs formed of the different molds of the heads of the former man, with particularity in the Andean cultures analyzed in this one study. The information teratology falls to information obtained of medical bibliographies that are given in the course of embryology and anatomy clinic in the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM; whereas the information of the cultural modification falls to the researching that was realized by pre-Hispanic materials in the Department of Physical Anthropology of the National Museum of Anthropology of Lima, Peru.


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How to Cite
Yépez Vásquez, R., & Romano Pacheco, A. (2010). Las malformaciones congénitas de la cabeza. Una diferencia con la modificación cefálica de tipo étnico-cultural. Annals of Anthropology, 42.

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