Exploraciones estratigráficas en Xochimilco, Tulancingo y Cerro de la Estrella

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Eduardo Noguera Auza


The paper deals with archaeological excavations that follows, previous work to obtain a correlation of archaeoloqical and historic data that was made in Tenayuca. Culhuacan. Texcoco and Zapotitlan. The sites referred to in this article are in the chinampa zone at Xochimilco and some other places in the same locality, in Tulancingo and the Cerro de la Éstrella, where strata pits were dug. Results point out that Xochimilco corresponds to an occupation of Xochimilca people that survived the Spanish Conquest, Belem Site, on the Cerro de la Estrella. shows evidence of occupation in both late Pre-Classic and Toltec periods, this last one soon after the migration from North Mexico. Tulancingo suggests a very old estallishment. Some other sites in the Valley of Tulancinso were inhabited bv Toltecs in times after their settlement of the Cerro de la Estrella.


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How to Cite
Noguera Auza, E. (2010). Exploraciones estratigráficas en Xochimilco, Tulancingo y Cerro de la Estrella. Annals of Anthropology, 7. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1970.0.19431

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