Apan. Un breve encuentro con su historia

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Angélica Galicia Gordillo


The historical and territorial transformations of Apan are cradled in two logics: the political-administrative and the religious. Both determined by the group in the power, from where one planned the form of government and the tributary administration from pre-hispanic time to the virreinal time, but with its respective variants in the interpretation and the causes that motivated this geopolitics organization. The text contains a brief route in history of Apan and its territorial configuration until its separation of Tepeapulco, antecedent of its present conformation.


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How to Cite
Galicia Gordillo, A. (2010). Apan. Un breve encuentro con su historia. Anales De Antropología, 43. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2009.0.20359

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