Conflict in a posgraduate´s life
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In this article I want to account for those uncertainties that arise when a student makes his/her thesis. Uncertainties of various types and which emphasize the complexity of social relations. Indeed, students are immersed in an academic structure in which to write their theses they must have a Tutoral Committee. The relations established among its members can become contentious and tend to wrap within this dynamic the student. That’s why the purpose of this paper is to highlight what I understand as uncertainty and what as conflict. Such situations are present as well in every Posgraduate, but I will only refer to students at the Postgraduate in Anthropology of Facultad de Filosofía y Letras/Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas in UNAM, who are in the making process of their theses, students from 2002, 2003 and 2004 classes who during their student life faced some uncertainties that prevented, delayed or just difficulted to build the theses.
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