Características corporales de jóvenes deportistas y jóvenes sedentarios de la ciudad de México

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Johanna Faulhaber
María Elena Sáenz F.


This study was carried out on young people between the ages of 14.5 and 18.5 years old, related to the Sports and Science Exhibition at the University Museum of Art and Science at The National University of México. Of 1,190 men and 1,110 women studied, those who practiced only one sport were selected (606 men and 331 women), excluding all those who practiced several sports. A third group (317 men and 458 women) did not practice any sport and were considered sedentary. While analyzing some of the anthropometric data, it was determined that the weight of the sportsmen was slightly higher than that of their female counterparts from 16.5 years old on. Regarding total height, seated height, and leg lengths, the male and female sportperson presented larger dimensions than non-sportpersons. Regarding widths, male sportsmen showed slightly broader shoulders than non-sportsmen, while almost no differences in bicrestal-illium [“bicrestailíaco”] diameter were detected in both male and female sportspersons.


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How to Cite
Faulhaber, J., & Sáenz F., M. E. (2009). Características corporales de jóvenes deportistas y jóvenes sedentarios de la ciudad de México. Annals of Anthropology, 32(1).

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Author Biography

Johanna Faulhaber, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología