Estudio químico de los pisos de una unidad habitacional de Tlalpizáhuac, Estado de México

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Alejandro Tovalín Ahumada
Luis Alberto Barba Pingarrón


An interdisciplinary study of a habitation unit occupied during the final moments of Teotihuacan, and shorly thereafter, has revealed the lifestyle of a human group which settled on the shores of Lake Xochimilco. This work describes the distribution of chemical compounds as well as some features which led to the identification of areas where food was prepared and consumed, sleeping areas, storage areas, and internal circulation patterns. An integral study of archaeological materials deposited on the floors, vegetable and bone remains, and chemical residues impregnating the ground, establishes the function of every space in the unit.


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How to Cite
Tovalín Ahumada, A., & Barba Pingarrón, L. A. (2009). Estudio químico de los pisos de una unidad habitacional de Tlalpizáhuac, Estado de México. Annals of Anthropology, 32(1).

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Author Biography

Alejandro Tovalín Ahumada, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología