Cuestiones acerca del método para el registro, clasificación e interpretación del arte rupestre

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Julio Amador Bech


In this article we define the theoretical principles of a methodological proposition for the archaeological process of recording, classifying and interpreting rock art. They are organized according to the problems we consider are the most important for the development of a systematic and long perspective research. We sustain the need to expand the sphere of contextual analysis and, at the same time, to go deeper into its details, rethinking the relations implied in the rock art’s cultural and natural contexts. We understand that landscape symbolism is a fundamental characteristic of rock paintings, engravings and geoglyphs. We stress the association: site-panel-motif as that which will allow us to understand the full significance of the iconography. We consider that, in numerous cases, to these three aspects we should add the astronomical orientation as an important element of symbolic meaning. We think that each site has its particular characteristics that have to be observed with close
attention, that they are originated in concrete and differential cultural processes, nevertheless, rock art manifestations constitute a structured cultural construction and, that specific
structure can be revealed by systematic analysis. Our theoretical proposition is orientated from the perspective of anthropological complexity, we criticize the traditional perspectives developed by materialism, structuralism and functionalism. Finally, we stress the importance of the concept of style as a fundamental guide for the comprehension of rock art.


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How to Cite
Amador Bech, J. (2009). Cuestiones acerca del método para el registro, clasificación e interpretación del arte rupestre. Annals of Anthropology, 41(1).

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Author Biography

Julio Amador Bech, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología