Presencia de Marcas ocupacionales en el primer metatarsiano: Comunidad de los Olmos, Tizayuca, Estado de Hidalgo.
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The studies of 16th century colonial period osleological remains from the ingenous community of Los Olmos (Tizayuca, Hidalgo State) disclose the repeated presence of an annex articulate mask in the first metatarsal, exclusive to the female sex. Therefore, we suppose that its formation is because of a posture costum arily related to some female activities. As evidenced in several codexes, women were in the habit of kneeling down flexed with toes in flexion; that position might have created the articulate mask while they were grinding on a flat stone, weaving or spinning. The last activity coincides with the abundant presence of spindle whorls found in archaeological excavation.
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Encina Prada, M., & Sterpone, O. (2009). Presencia de Marcas ocupacionales en el primer metatarsiano: Comunidad de los Olmos, Tizayuca, Estado de Hidalgo. Annals of Anthropology, 34(1).
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