Culture and feeding. Essential aspects to a comprehensive perspective about human feeding

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Paris Aguilar Piña


The increase of studies on the relationship between culture and feeding, as well as on the particularities, changes and continues of feeding systems and processes in their historical, social and cultural dimensions, has led to explore original and refreshing ways to understand and analyze these problems from an anthropological view. This need arises from the recognition of the way it has shaped a documentary, ethnographic, conceptual, theoretical and methodological corpus developed, on which anthropological disciplines have had to fall back on. A corpus, by the way, dispersed and not very systematic. Simultaneously with these epistemological constructs, it was necessary to increase interaction with other fields of know-ledge, sometimes little related, in order to broaden the knowledge that can be generated in this problematic area. This phenomenon has made it possible to confirm that interdisciplinarity allows to develop important comprehensive perspectives. The knowledge derived from this problematic area is the best evidence.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Piña, P. (2014). Culture and feeding. Essential aspects to a comprehensive perspective about human feeding. Annals of Anthropology, 48(1), 11–31.