Exploitation of malacological resources associated with a context of storage in Chan Chan, Peru

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Denis Elvis Correa Trigoso


Archaeo-zoological research is becoming more significant in the overall analysis of the recovered material. It is for this reason that the present investigation is focused on the interpretation of this archaeological context based on the studies from the malacological material recorded in the excavations from the sector deposits of Xllangchic-An (Uhle) walled complex in the Chan Chan Chimu metropolis. This is intended to clarify the association with certain species, the characteristics of the natural environments from which the resources were obtained, and the social implications of the use of different conchological resources associated with this storage context.


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How to Cite
Correa Trigoso, D. E. (2016). Exploitation of malacological resources associated with a context of storage in Chan Chan, Peru. Annals of Anthropology, 50(1), 112–133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.antro.2015.10.004

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Author Biography

Denis Elvis Correa Trigoso, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo

Arqueologo egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, actualmente laboro en el Complejo Arqueologico Chan Chan como arqueologo asistente.

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