Afromexicans: Reflections on the dynamics of recognition

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María Elisa Velázquez
Gabriela Iturralde


The International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024 recently adopted by the United Nations,as well as a set of new dynamics in the recognition of the Afro-Mexican population, merit a reflection on the characteristics and meanings of the diverse experiences of peoples of African descent mostly in CostaChica, and the the role played in this process by academic and government institutions in Mexico. In thispaper we propose to contribute some elements that help this reflection and allow viewing the challenges weface in the process of social and legal recognition of African descendants in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Velázquez, M. E., & Iturralde, G. (2016). Afromexicans: Reflections on the dynamics of recognition. Annals of Anthropology, 50(2), 232–246.

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