Public policies and ethnization in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Juan Manuel Engelman


The analysis of the process of ethnopolitical organization of several indigenous families went through toward the end of the 1990s in Almirante Brown, reflects on the positive impact that state programs and policies had on the indigenous organization, the definition of common objectives, and the possibilities for political negotiation, as well as the recognition of cultural rights. According to do that, we must emphasis, on one hand, the state structure and its heterogeneous nature in relation with the ethnization of public policies and programs –as a resistive ethno-political practice–; and on the other hand, how that appropriation process –in administrative and bureaucratic terms- defines a frame in wich the contemporary indigenous leaders negotiate instances of state participation enhancing their visibility in the urban contexts.


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How to Cite
Engelman, J. M. (2019). Public policies and ethnization in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Annals of Anthropology, 53(1), 121–131.

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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Engelman, UBA - FFyL - CONICET

Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Argentina.