Rituals of purification in Moche society: a bioarchaeological and iconographic approach in the old temple of Huaca de la Luna, Peru

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Feren Castillo Luján
Santiago Uceda Castillo †
Víctor Vásquez Sánchez


This research has focused on the analysis of macro and micro vestiges of plant species associated with the components (disk-halter-ballast) of a “purifying object” and fireplaces of plane type, used by the Moche in the area of purifiers. This space played an important role in the circulation of the old temple of Huaca de la Luna, being the link between the ceremonial plaza and inside the temple. For this reason, with the backrest of the ethnohistorical sources and iconography it has been suggested that in this place were made similar activities to the Inca rites of Citua Festival. However, the presence of phytoliths starches in the various analyses of samples taken at the associated fireplaces, suggest that food was consumption in this sacred place.


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How to Cite
Castillo Luján, F., Uceda Castillo †, S., & Vásquez Sánchez, V. (2019). Rituals of purification in Moche society: a bioarchaeological and iconographic approach in the old temple of Huaca de la Luna, Peru. Annals of Anthropology, 53(1), 45–65. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2019.1.63198

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