Cambios en la economía de subsistencia de los grupos prehistóricos del norte de África: el Nilo

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Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim


Changes in the subsistence economy of the Holocene human populations in the Sahara and the Nile were in part due to the dessication phases that began in the sixth millenium in all the Near East, These climatic changes provoked the disappearance of the vegetation cover in the Sahara, consequeotly stimulated
the concentration of groups with different subsistence basis in
areas with perennial water sources, such as the Nile, and the dynamics of these populations created the mixed economy particular to Neolithic and Predynastic Erypt.


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How to Cite
Manzanilla Naim, L. R. (2009). Cambios en la economía de subsistencia de los grupos prehistóricos del norte de África: el Nilo. Annals of Anthropology, 23(1).

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Author Biography

Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología