El umbral de la locura : el caso de Fray Agustín Claudio
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In colonial Mexico the "iluminated" or false mistics were punished by the Holy of the Inquisition. Under this fault different files are found of people whose opinions and acts were against the established norms, some were put into jail by real followers of the "iluminismus", but some others because of political reasons or because they were thought of as mental insanes. Analising the case of Fray Agustin Claudio it was pretended to establish the cultural characteristics which make him different and which placed him out of the behavioral norms socially accepted. He also permitted an aproach to the life in convents and the love relations and mistics between the tutors and the nuns, all this under the point of view of colonial sexuality.
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Ramírez Quezada, N. (2009). El umbral de la locura : el caso de Fray Agustín Claudio. Anales De Antropología, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1986.1.651
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