Catholic organisms in the consolidation of indigenous organizations: The case of the Shiyaxauapi group in the province of Chaco, Argentina

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Malena Ines Castilla


This article analyzes the work carried out by Catholic organizations in the town of Pampa del Indio, in the province of Chaco, on the ‘recovery of an indigenous culture’ with the members of the Qom community of the locality, from which they promoted the consolidation of ethnic organizations. We will explore the processes in which memory became the central axis of the work of religious organizations, to build frameworks of action among indigenous groups.

This work is part of a doctoral research, where we analyze the work developed by the indigenous organizations of the Qom people in the aforementioned locality, with the purpose of investigating the processes of reactualization of the identity and territorialization that accompanies them.


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How to Cite
Castilla, M. I. (2019). Catholic organisms in the consolidation of indigenous organizations: The case of the Shiyaxauapi group in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Annals of Anthropology, 53(1), 109–120.

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